Sunday 23 January 2011

What does interactivity mean to me...

Interactivity to me means the dialogue that occurs between a human being and a computer program. This computer program could be social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, this computer program could involve video games which can be played on the Playstation 3 or Xbox360. In both these examples, interactivity, dialogue that occurs between and human being and computer program, takes place.

In terms of how interactive I am as a person, at present, I would rate myself at 8 out of 10. I would say i spend between 2 to 5 hours a day interactively. Therefore, I feel that I am very reliant on interactive media.

I am an active user of Facebook and frequent this social network site numerous times on a daily basis. I predominantly use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and see what is going on in people's lives. I do not have a Twitter account currently. However, I am becoming increasingly intrigued and persuaded by many people to open up a twitter account. Furthermore, I have been advised to join LinkedIn as I get nearer to entering the workplace.

I e-mail regularly for many different purposes. I predominantly use e-mail to find out information from lecturers and to keep in contact with friends and family. I browse the Internet a lot on a daily basis and visit numerous different websites. For example, I have a keen interest in sport and follow many sports websites to keep up to date with the latest information. I also visit e-commerce websites. I use Google search engine and BU search to help with my academic studies.

I regularly play video games on the Playstation 3 that I own and and play video games against friends and online. In addition, I use iTunes to purchase and download music for my iPod.

The new interactive task that I have undertaken is to write this blog. I have never written a blog before and for me this is a completely brand new experience. Writing this blog feels weird as I feel very conscious about what I write can be seen by many and commented on. However, as I continue to update this blog I believe I will become less conscious. By writing a blog, it enables me to express ideas and to think reflectively.

As a last note, this week I watched the 'Virtual Revolution', which was a very interesting documentary explaining the way the web is changing the world. It is staggering to see over 20 years how much the web has changed our lives and how it shapes our world.

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