Friday 18 March 2011

IMS Surprises

In terms of what has surprised me most about Interactive Media Strategies, it has been how much I have enjoyed studying and learning from the unit.

Before the unit began in January, I have to admit I was apprehensive and unsure about what to expect. This was primarily because I feel I am not very technology savvy and do not know a lot when it comes to interactive media. However, instantly, I began to learn that you do not have to be technology savvy and really enjoyed many aspects of the unit. 

For example, I learned that I am in fact a digital native, instead of a digital immigrant. According to Prensky (2001), in his article, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, digital natives are students today who are all "native speakers" of the digital language of computers, video games and the Internet. Before this unit, I would have believed I would be a digital immigrant, but, I spend my life surrounded by computers, video games and digital music players. These types of interactive media are integral parts of my life.

The workshops throughout the unit were a surprise also, and something which I have not experienced before. The workshops enabled me to gain a practical perspective and hands-on approach to things involving interactive media. For example, learning about Google AdWords and viral marketing, topics which I had never really studied before, opened my eyes up to how these phenomenons are useful for advertisers and marketers to think about in the future.

The various guest lectures, speakers, and organised events I attended throughout this unit were also surprising. I really enjoyed learning from them. The Mike Warne Annual Marketing Communications lecture I attended in March opened my eyes to the evolution of digital communications and digital marketing in the future. From going along to such events and learning all about digital marketing, it has really made me think about possibly working in the digital communications industry. 

I suppose this is the biggest surprise for me, as a result of studying Interactive Media Strategies this semester. Before this unit, I would never have considered working in the digital communications industry. I am now more receptive to the idea.

As a future advertising and marketing communications professional, I now realise the huge importance of understanding interactive media, and how it will play a pivotal role in future marketing communications activities for organisations for many years to come.

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